§ 98-45. Whom to collect refuse and recyclables; issuance of annual permits to commercial waste haulers by city manager.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for any commercial waste hauler to engage in or conduct the business of collection, removal, transportation or disposal of refuse or recyclables within the corporate limits unless such commercial waste hauler shall have applied for and been issued an annual permit to operate as a private collector, transporter or disposer of refuse and/or recyclables. Such permit shall be and remain in full force and effect, unexpired and not revoked; and such permit card or certificate from the city manager shall be carried by such commercial waste hauler on his person and exhibited by him on request to any police, health or other proper officer of the city. Such commercial waste hauler shall also operate in conformity with all rules and regulations providing for and pertaining to solid waste management prescribed and promulgated by the city manager; and if such commercial waste hauler omits, fails or refuses to operate in conformity with such rules and regulations, his permit may be revoked and canceled by the city manager.

(Bill. No. 7621, 5-5-2014)